Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yet more mitten-y goodness

For the "all about me" swap, I made my partner Endpaper Mitts. She loves pink, so I knit her extremely pink Endpaper Mitts. I forgot to take a picture of the finished pair, but here's the first one, on a mitten blocker that I made out of a plastic placemat:

The yarn is Cascade Heritage in fuchsia and cotton candy. I have a bunch of yarn left over, and I really like the pattern, so I've decided to knit a second pair for myself. However, I can't quite bring myself to knit exactly the same pattern twice in a row, so I've tweaked the stranded motif a little bit. I borrowed again from this gallery of Latvian mitten patterns and came up with this design:

Endpaper pattern

It's pretty close to the original, to be honest, but hopefully it's different enough to keep things interesting.

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