Friday, August 29, 2008

Maybe we need a No Presidential Candidate Left Behind program!

Someone on Ravelry found this awesomeness from John McCain's official store. I have taken a screen shot to preserve it for posterity!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Pride of the South Side

I didn't notice this until a month after they were released, but Lorna's Laces has two new colorways called Woodlawn and South Shore. Here is Woodlawn:

and here is South Shore:

Lorna's Laces is a Chicago-based company, and they have a number of colorways named after Chicago neighborhoods and streets. Until now, they've mostly been North Side streets and neighborhoods, with the exception of the colorway called "Pilsen." They've got Devon, Lakeview, Irving Park and Ravenswood, for instance, but nothing named after neighborhoods in my neck of the woods. And I feel inordinately pleased that this has changed now, even if I don't live in either South Shore or Woodlawn. I live near to South Shore and Woodlawn! Lorna's Laces appreciates neighborhoods near where I live! I am in favor of knitterly recognition of the awesomeness of the South Side.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympic Victory!

No, I'm not talking about Michael Phelps, although there will be swimming in this post. Well, actually there will be talk about my boobs, as per usual, but it will be swimming-related. But first I must show off my Olympic vest, which was completed just in time for the closing ceremonies of the real Olympics.

Cute, no? I have not yet been able to get a decent picture of me in it, but I will try to post one tomorrow.

Today's excitement, aside from it being my birthday, which is really more distressing than exciting at this point in my life, is that I am trying to find a swimsuit so that I can rejoin the master's swim team and become a bit less of a couch potato. This is proving to be a challenge. Last time I bought a swim suit, I went to the very fancy running/ swimming store, where a nice lady helped me pick out a swimsuit that would be appropriate for my rather ample boobage. It was, I seem to recall, a size or two smaller than what would normally be recommended, so that the tight swimsuit would hold my boobs in place. Sadly, I have since misplaced that swimsuit, and the running/ swimming store has apparently gone out of business. At any rate, I would prefer to buy a cheap swimsuit online rather than spend a veritable fortune at the fancy running store. The thing is, I can't remember which size swimsuit to buy. So being a complete fucking moron, I thought I could just google "lap," "swimming" and "big breasts," and I would get some nice tips about how to choose a fitness swimsuit for the top-heavy members of the swimming community.

Now, I have nothing against porn. Truly: I think porn is just great. But it is very annoying when you're looking for perfectly mundane, non-porny advice about fitness apparel and all you can find is links to pictures of hott sexxxy girlz with giant breasts. My giant breasts are neither hot nor sexxy, and I am not interested in giving you a lap dance at this particular moment. I just want swimsuit fitting advice. Google needs a way to filter the porn, for the benefit of those of us with non-porn boob-related questions.

I think I want something along the lines of this utterly boring Speedo, but I can't for the life of me figure out whether I want it in a 6 or an 8.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

While I'm frantically trying to finish my RavOlympics project, you all should enjoy this gallery of Google's awesome holiday logos.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Knitting Pictures

I've got pictures of the things I knit while I was away.

First, we have the Mother's Day Socks, which turned out to be more than a month late for Mother's Day. These were not successful knitting. Mostly, I'm really glad to be done with them. I messed up the stitch pattern: I knit the stitch below through the front, not through the back loop. I think they would have looked awesome if I'd got the pattern right. I might experiment a bit with the leftovers. Anyway, here's a picture:

And here are my finished Maude Mittens. I'm pretty happy with these.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm Back!

The good news is that I'm back, and that is very good news indeed. I had a nice trip to see my family: my nephews are both suitably adorable, and we all got through the extended stay without anyone over the age of two having a major meltdown. But I am very, very, very glad to be home. I like home, and although my parents are pretty nifty as parents go, eleven days is probably too long to spend at their house. So anyway, I'm home, and I'm pretty darn happy about that.

The bad news is that I'm tired, my internet connection is wonky, and I desperately need to go to the grocery store, so the extended blog post will have to wait. Tomorrow, I will have mitten pictures and sock pictures and vest pictures (or at least vest swatch pictures) and news about my brush with internet geekcraft celebrity. I'm sure you all can hardly stand the anticipation.