Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Pride of the South Side

I didn't notice this until a month after they were released, but Lorna's Laces has two new colorways called Woodlawn and South Shore. Here is Woodlawn:

and here is South Shore:

Lorna's Laces is a Chicago-based company, and they have a number of colorways named after Chicago neighborhoods and streets. Until now, they've mostly been North Side streets and neighborhoods, with the exception of the colorway called "Pilsen." They've got Devon, Lakeview, Irving Park and Ravenswood, for instance, but nothing named after neighborhoods in my neck of the woods. And I feel inordinately pleased that this has changed now, even if I don't live in either South Shore or Woodlawn. I live near to South Shore and Woodlawn! Lorna's Laces appreciates neighborhoods near where I live! I am in favor of knitterly recognition of the awesomeness of the South Side.


Anonymous said...

Ashburn is a new color and a South Side neighborhood too. What neighborhood are you in? There is always our next batch of colors.

Emily said...

I live in Hyde Park. You should name a pretty colorway after us!